One of the best ways to get better at music composition is to transpose other works. A rainy day here in San Diego meant being trapped indoors, so I decided to pass the time by transposing one of my favorite themes ever: The Hyrule Castle theme from the Legend of Zelda games. To say Koji Kondo is a HUGE influence on me is an understatement. Transcribing the theme with a full orchestration was humbling to say the least. I of course had to do something silly by making it super heavy, but the arrangement was just too cool to cover up with blaring guitars so I made 2 versions.
If you want to just enjoy the orchestral version, this is what you want.
If you want a full walkthrough on how I did it, as well as the drop tuned 7 string guitars version, this is what you want.

Courage, Power, Wisdom!